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Core Facilities New Equipment Showcase
Eyring Materials Center
Ion Beam Analysis of Materials (IBeAM)
The IBeAM is used to analyze a wide range of materials and can provide compositional information from the top few micrometers of solid surfaces.
Kratos Axis Supra+ XPS
The Kratos Axis Supra+ XPS provides surface chemical composition and bonding state information for thin films.
Talos L120C Life Science TEM
Transmission electron microscope primarily aimed at life science sample imaging operating at acceleration voltage up to 120kV with a point resolution better than 0.37nm in TEM mode.
Leica Ice High Pressure Freezer and Freeze Substitution:
High pressure freezing is used to preserve biological samples in their native state and can provide results superior to the traditional chemical-fixation technique.
Coming Soon!
Thermo Fisher Scientific Talos F200i materials TEM
The new transmission electron microscope will be equipped with a dual EDS detector, a segmented detector for imaging flexibility and a direct electron detector for 4D STEM measurements providing everything needed for standard TEM imaging and analyses.
SigRay Quantumleap H2000 XAS
With an X-ray energy range from 4.5 to 25 keV, the X-ray absorption spectroscopy instrument will probe samples to provide information about the local geometric and electronic structure surrounding chosen element in the material.>/p>
Xenoxs Xeuss 3.0 SAXS
The latest generation small angle X-ray scattering instrument from Xenocs, will profile multiple x-ray source and outstanding resolution to characterize nanostructure of materials in transmission and grazing geometry.
More about what the Eyring Materials Center offers.
Solar Fab
San-Ei Electric XHS-220S1-SA
The Solar Fab's new high spectral match (xenon and halogen lamps) solar simulator is compatible with M12 solar substrates.
Advanced Electronics and Photonics Core
Keysight PD1500A Dynamic Power Device Analyzer/Double Pulse Tester
As an off-the-shelf measurement solution, the PD1500A delivers reliable, repeatable measurements of wide-bandgap semiconductors. The platform ensures user safety and protection of the system’s measurement hardware.
Keysight B1505A Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer
B1505A Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer is a single box solution for power device evaluation from sub-pA to 10 kV & 1500 A. Precise measurement capabilities with 10 µs pulse and µΩon-resistance measurements.
The Heidelberg MLA 300
The Maskless Aligner MLA 300 provides high throughput, simplified workflow and integration with manufacturing execution systems (MES). This tool is used for the production of sensors and sensor ICs, MEMS and microfluidic devices.
Mettler Toledo Compact C30SD and Excellence T7 Titrators
The C30SD has an InMotion KF Pro Oven Autosampler, which is designed for water determination by an oven extraction technique. The T7 expands modularity for Excellence line titrators, from 1 to 4 total burettes plus an extra sensor board to grow with advanced needs including KF.
How the AEP Core helps advance semiconductor R&D.
The Heidelberg MLA-150 Direct-write Lithography System
The MLA-150 is a high speed direct-write lithography tool extended by capabilities formerly only available on Mask Aligners. It can expose the patterns directly without prior fabrication of a mask resulting in a significantly shorter prototyping cycle.
Learn more about this flexible nanoscale processing and fabrication facility.
BD Symphony S6 Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter
A 6-way sorter equipped with 5 lasers and capable of analyzing up to 25 different colors. This instrument adds cutting-edge technology to the performance of the BD FACSAria™ Fusion Cell Sorter and the innovative optics of the BD FACSymphony™ A5 Cell Analyzer to power your scientific discovery.
Bruker Rapiflex Maldi-TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometer
Our newest addition to the Mass Spec Core facility is a state-of-the-art Bruker Rapiflex Maldi-TOF/TOF mass spectrometer to be used by researchers across the spectrum of biomedical research at ASU.
IVIS Lumina S5
The IVIS Lumina S5 combines 2D in vivo bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging with an expanded five mouse field of view for 2D optical imaging and state of the art spectral unmixing features for sensitive multispectral imaging.
Coming Soon!
Helios-EOS Spectrometer & TCSPC Spectrometer
These new Ultrafast Laser system setups are capable of driving multiple instruments in ultrafast dynamic studies.
How our Biosciences Cores advances research.
Instrument Design & Fabrication
Fanuc Robocut C400iC Wire EDM
The Instrument Design & Fabrication core facility is pleased to announce the recent addition of our Fanuc Robocut C400iC Wire EDM. The instrument features the powerful FANUC 31i-WB control with new iHMI User Interface, enhanced Automatic Wire Feed System and an advanced all digital power supply.
Discover the many different ways the IDF Core can prototype projects.
Research Computing
Presenting ASU Research Computing's new long-term tape storage, Canyon.
The various ways Research Computing is driving discovery at ASU.